What 2016 Taught Me

     Well... All of us know that 2016 is a super shitty year... No explanation needed. Earlier this year, just like all the years before, everyone steps into a new year hoping that this year will be better than the year before but ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” Guess Kylie Jenner was right, 2016 is a year about 'realising stuff'.

Making the right decision

     As for me, 2016 is indeed a pretty shitty year for me. I turned 18 this year and I gotta admit, being 18 is hard. Some may say being 18 is magical but don't listen to them. It's bullshit. You start to make decisions for your own life and you gotta do it right, and carefully. Just like a surgeon, operating on his own family member. One careless mistake and your loved one will be gone forever, and it's all because of you. Everything begins after you've taken your SPM results and you start wondering what course should you take and what job will the course lead to, and if you're interested in the course you're about to take. But being the indecisive person that I am, I'm uncertain about what course that'll suit me and what I wanna be in the future. I thought of taking optometry in SEGi but I doubt if I really want to be an optician. Fortunately for me, I have an experienced retired teacher aunt and her bunch of teacher friends to help me to decide. But at the end of the day, everything stills depends on me because it's my life. I don't want to live to others' people expectation. But now, I'm still taking Science. Not sure why but just to be secure. Meh... But I believe that what I'm going through now is a part of God's plan. To me, this might be a disaster but I strongly believe that it is a blessing in disguise. God is preparing me to face something greater in life.

Understanding God and His plan

     2016 is the year when I started to know and understand God more and deeper. I did that through the 21 days Daniel fast and 40 days of fasting and prayer for the first time ever in my life. It was an eye opener experience. I wouldn't lie and say that it was easy but it was kinda tough for me as it's my first time... But I kinda did it, and it is worth it. I learned to trust God more, always spend some time to pray to Him whenever I can and most importantly, I learned to be humble and put Him first before anything. There will be times where you don't understand a single thing (Just like me in maths class) God did but you will understand eventually. Have faith. (Read: Galatians 3:6)

Handling truth and rejection

     As for this, I believe that I don't need to elaborate more on this statement because I kinda made a post about this and also I don't want to make the person famous. But some of you might know who the person is. Actually, I got over it. I moved on. (But shit this is my first time kena reject leh wahlao! ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฅ) I understand that no matter what I try to do, it just won't work out because we are no match for each other as we are very different, but somehow similar in a certain way. He's perfect, but not for me. I learned to handle the truth although it was painful and difficult. I guess now is not the right time yet, God wants me to get my degree first. ๐Ÿ˜œ I dedicate this poem that I love so much to all you young girls out there. (p/s: his name is not Kevin)


I went to dinner with a friend one day
She looked around...I heard her say
"There's a handsome guy across the way".
He had a smile like the morning Sun,
Lighting the skies when the day has come 
Strong spirit, built very well, 
Well-dressed and strong, that I could tell
His eyes glistened like stars of heaven,
We heard someone call his name..."Kevin"
He was perfect in every way you see,
But if he does not serve JEHOVAH...
He's certainly not for me.
I saw a man walking down the street,
Sophisticated, smart, hard to beat
I was standing there showing a magazine,
At the time this man came to the scene. 
He took the magazine and my name,
I told it to him and ask the same.
He said, "What a fine work, may I take you to dinner?"
My heart said silently, "This sounds like a winner!"
I looked at his face and deep blue eyes,
Then my mind started clearing, erasing the lies,
Even though he seemed perfect you see,
If he's not serving JEHOVAH, then he’s not for me!
I met a man at work one day
He started a while then I heard him say,
"You’re so beautiful, most beautiful I've seen.
"You must have dropped out of heaven, from where you have been".
I thought, "What line so smooth "perfect to seduce!"
The way he looked at me, I could melt in my shoes"
But if I forget JEHOVAH and his perfect way, 
It will surely mean death in JEHOVAH'S day.
Once again he was perfect in every way you see
But if he’s not serving JEHOVAH,
He's certainly.....not for me.
Then there's this young man, they say he is studying,
Learning the truth, like a rose he is budding.
Thinking I could supply some encouragement,
I invited him over for dinner at my apartment.
There was soup and salad, green beans and rice,
With a steak and gravy and an apple pie slice.
A chilled bottle of champagne to drink,
Things went quite well at first, I think.
Then after some champagne, all of a sudden he became,
Like a roaring lion with a full-growth mane!
"What a waste!" I screamed, "what a waste,"
I had to wrestle this guy and do it with haste. 
"Touched me a I surely will scream!"
Then I shouted, "get out!" and that I did mean.
"I was wrong" as I thought sitting like a stone, 
The slave class always said, "Do not date alone".
He was studying.... He was perfect.... he was out of control, you see..
He was not serving JEHOVAH; he’s really not for me.
Disclaimer: I did not write this poem. They did.

Cherish the people around you

     People come and go, but the ones who appreciate you will stay. We focus on growing up so much that sometimes we forgot that our parents are getting old. I learned that we should always spare some time to spend with them no matter how busy we get. Because you will never know when is the last time you spend your time together with them. Sorry, didn't mean to make it so emotional but that's what I always think when I wanted to mention the word "busy".

Being a responsible adult

     Not actually an adult yet but I'm going to become one, soon. (And I'm not excited about it) But this year, I was given all sorts of responsibilities that I doubt if I can do it at first and thank goodness I've done it with God's help. God is good, all the time. Last time I used to think like people giving you stuff to do is very "ma fan" (translation: troublesome) but now when I think of it, they offer to let you do stuff is because they trust you. It's an honour, and you should be proud because they think you can be trusted to get the stuff done.

     So that's some huge things that I learned this year and I'm pretty sure that all of you learned something new too! I'm signing off now, till my next time. Ciao. ๐Ÿ’ž
